Are you the next “Corporal Afande”?
“Too much work and no play made “Jonny” a boring boy”! Remember that old adage? We do too and are conscious of it. We want to make our readers experience “Whole”; if you know what I mean! So, the Uganda Correspondent is today looking for the next “Corporal Afande”; someone who can make ribs literally crack during coffee breaks! Or do you think of yourself as the next Wahome Mutayi [RIP]; a man who could make fun out of the blunt look of a stone. In other words, how funny and creative are you or can you be? Perhaps you think of yourself as the next Austin Ejiet [RIP]; one of the greatest creative writers and satirist Uganda has ever had. If you think you fit the bill, Uganda Correspondent is “your very own platform”. Send a sample of your typical rib-cracking stories, real or fictitious, to and we shall publish it alongside other entries for our readers to judge. Perhaps for the first time in a very long time, we can guarantee you that a competent, professional, and totally impartial “Electoral Commission” will be appointed by our Editors to tally and declare the votes; NO RIGGING!