New Vision is tarnishing NRM’s image

By Elijah M. Tumwebaze (more…)

Kagame’s decline is an African tragedy

By Nathan Emory Iron (more…)

Let’s make Luganda our national language

By Abbey K. Semuwemba (more…)

Never trust Beti Kamya & Museveni on federalism

By Abbey K. Semuwemba

Politics is a “don’t trust me” ball game. (more…)

Africans must demand; not beg for their rights

By Nathan Emory Iron

It is now more than half a century since the first African country got her independence. (more…)

Our constitution needs Kenyan style reforms

By Charles Ochen Okwir – 9th-15th Aug 2010

Mr. Okwir

Kenyans, for all their recent political troubles, achieved something truly magnificent last week.  As a people, they finally voted [in a referendum] for a new constitution which they had, rather unusually, debated and mauled over for more than two decades.  That, by any standards, must be something worth a celebratory drink for all Kenyans.

Besides, coming less than three years after the violent general elections of December 2007 that claimed the lives of over 1,000 people, the fact that this referendum passed off peacefully is another great achievement worthy of mention here.  What a contrast to the ruling NRM’s internal elections in Uganda [around the same time] that were marred by gunshots, widespread rigging, and intimidation. (more…)

Kalyegira wouldn’t be arrested in a democracy

By Abbey K. Semuwemba – 9th-15th Aug 2010

Mr. Semuwemba

I would like to agree with Daniel Kalinaki’s analysis of Timothy Kalyegira as a “conspiracy theorist” rather than a “terrorist”.  There is an old saying that one can never convince anyone who doesn’t wish to be convinced.

I therefore think whatever Kalyegira writes is up to the readers to make up their own minds on whether it’s true or not.  I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but I think it’s wrong for a government to arrest a journalist for writing something that they feel passionate about.  As long as the mainstream media continues to leave some important questions lying dormant, people will write their own opinions and there is very little the state can do about it. (more…)

Why Onegi Obel & not Mbabazi or Kagonyera?

By Lawrence Kasozi – 9th-15th Aug 2010

The recent jailing of Mr. Geoffrey Onegi Obel, the former National Social Security Fund board chairman, has greatly saddened me.  Onegi Obel was sent to Luzira prison after his bail was cancelled by the Chief Magistrate of the Anti-Corruption Court. (more…)

A warning from ancient fiction: Tyrants beware!

By Charles Ochen Okwir – 2nd-8th Aug 2010

The Author

Lucian of Samosata was a Syrian-Greek writer who was responsible for the first fictional accounts of extraterrestrial life.  He was born at Samosata in Commagene and called himself a Syrian.  The exact duration of his life is unknown.  But it is probable that he was born not long before 125 A.D. and died not long after 180.  He began his career as an apprentice to his uncle who was a sculptor.  Soon, he became disgusted with his prospects in that calling and gave it up for Rhetoric, the branch of the literary profession that was most favoured then.  The vocation of a rhetorician was to plead in court, to compose pleas for others, and to teach the art of pleading; not too far off from what your typical Lawyer does today. (more…)

Museveni’s war on Al-Shabaab is a red-herring

By Abbey K. Semuwemba – 2nd–8th Aug 2010

The Author

I don’t agree with those who support the government’s position to wage a full scale war on Al-Shabaab Militants.  History has shown that the war on terror, if that is what we intend to fight, is not won that way. The attack on Al-Shabaab Militants is certainly not the heart of the matter.

I disagree with president Museveni’s war drums because I believe he is not focusing on the problem of terrorism.  It seems he has an agenda that has not been presented to Ugandans succinctly.  I suspect that one of the reasons why the government is war mongering is to get people to think of war instead of domestic issues. (more…)


I will throw a hot stone behind CJ Odoki’s back
By John Baptist Oloka 25th March 2013:

The media broke news of More... (0)


The late Mzee Kaguta was a naughty boy
By Lawrence Kasozi

25th February 2013: This is totally out of More... (0)


Museveni is pathological hypocrite
By Norman Miwambo

25th February 2013: I don’t believe Museveni was More... (0)


Obote is crying for his beloved country
By M. Suleman

18th February 2013: Uganda’s late president Dr Apollo More... (0)


Wake up fools: Army took over long ago
By Bernard Ddumba

4th Feb 2013: Over the last two weeks, I seriously More... (0)


NRM revolution is eating its own children
By Charles Businge

4th February 2013: In 1986, the new leadership promised More... (0)


It’s lawful to resist coup plotters – let’s do it
By Elijah M. Tumwebaze

28th January 2013: In a powerful opinion article that More... (0)


Our parliament only exists on paper
By M. Suleman

28th January 2013: Uganda is a country endowed with More... (0)


Museveni is right to call NRM MPs idiots
By M. Suleman

21st Jan 2013: In the drama that followed More... (0)


Isn’t Museveni a deranged psychopath?
By M. Suleman

17th Dec 2012: An emotional, grief-stricken, and More... (0)


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