Opposition slept, now they must lie in a thorny bed

By Ofwono Opondo – 19th-25th July 2010 

Firstly, let me thank Uganda Correspondent once again for asking us [NRM] to respond to some of the issues raised about the [present] Electoral Commission [EC] and [give] our very well considered view as people supervising the whole country. (more…)

Mao wants to isolate Kabaka from his subjects

By Abbey Kibirige Semuwemba12th-18th July 2010

The author

Some Mao supporters have written and said a lot of stuff about the 1966 crisis and Kabaka Yekka [KY] in relation to the IPC and Suubi 2011 [a new political pressure group. Ed].  But they are scaring Ugandans on matters they seem not to know very well.  Yes, they resolved in their latest meeting to de-campaign Suubi 2011 and IPC but I think they are going about it wrongly.  DP-Mao and its supporters are replicating what DP did in 1961 when it refused to take the same position that Mengo was taking.  Mengo had called for a boycott of national elections because neither the British administration nor the African political parties would guarantee Buganda’s future position within Uganda. (more…)

Museveni runs Uganda from his Kitchen

By Lawrence Kasozi – 12th-18th July 2010

First I want to thank the proprietors of Uganda Correspondent for giving Ugandans what I think is a very good platform for constructive debate.  I would therefore like to use this platform to comment on the article “NRM govt hits back at Ogole and UPC” in which Mr Ofwono Opondo, the NRM Deputy Spokesperson and Head of the NRM Communication Bureau challenged Ogole’s claims. (more…)

Opondo must answer allegations of NRA genocide

By C.D Rauxen Zedriga – 12th-18th July 2010

It was gratifying reading the response of my friend Ofwono Opondo [who once labeled me an economic migrant] to Col. John Ogole’s interview.  But let’s deal with the facts. (more…)

Ogole is a “wanted” man in Uganda

5th–11th July 2010

By Ofwono Opondo

Thank you for seeking our [NRM’s] views on the various claims, allegations, and accusations by the once notorious Lt. Col. John Martin Ogole of the defunct UNLA-UPC military fascist wing that operated and run an atrocious war in the famous Luwero Triangle. (more…)

No cheap PR can save Kiggundu’s EC; reform can

5th–11th July 2010

By Charles Ochen Okwir

The author

Scanning through Uganda’s newspapers last week, I bumped onto one particular article that I thought needs revisiting.  In his opinion article [Why should the opposition discredit Badru Kiggundu] that appeared in the government owned Newvision newspaper of June 29th, Mr. Awel Uwihanganye who signed off as a “Public Relations and Communications Consultant”, appears to have taken it upon himself to repair EC Chairman Badru Kiggundu’s beleaguered image.  Of course, as PR consultant, we must all assume that Uwihanganye was merely doing a job for which he had [probably] been paid handsomely. (more…)

With this EC, Museveni will remain president

5th–11th July 2010

By Abbey Semuwemba

We should not get over excited over the joining of politics by former Mengo ministers till we see some changes in the Badru Kiggundu Electoral Commission [EC].  The NRM will still win big in Buganda and other parts of the country in 2011 as long as the EC remains as it is. (more…)

Kudos to DP for setting up its own “Kiboko Squad”

5th–11th July 2010

By Stephen Ssengoba

Kiboko Squad Gangs

Two weeks ago, I wrote a short letter in the Uganda Correspondent reacting to the news “Opposition Warned on Planned Demo” that the Daily Monitor published on Monday 14th June 2010.  In it, I wondered what was really going on in this terminally ill country called Uganda.  I also asked if what we are seeing in Uganda today is indeed the democracy that Museveni promised us in 1986.  I also predicted that if nothing changed, Uganda could be heading for some very turbulent political times.  How, I wondered, was the so-called “Kiboko Squad” allowed to beat up FDC President Dr. Kizza Besigye in full view of police officers? (more…)

Our youth have the power to decide our future

5th–11th July 2010

By C.D Rauxen Zedriga

I am back with our youth; our future leaders!  On the social front, it is irrelevant now to state here that Iddi Amin had decreed the establishment of a National Council for Women in 1975.  Let’s deal with our most recent history. (more…)

Kamya’s UFA putting cart before the horse


By Chantal Kembabazi

Beti O. Kamya

Allow me react to a story [Uganda’s problems are bigger than Museveni] that appeared in the Daily Monitor newspaper of June 24th.  In that story, the Chief Mobiliser of Uganda Federal Alliance [UFA] Yusuf Mukwata is quoted to have said that, “…as UFA, our plan is to change the system of governance to favour Ugandans because removing President Museveni from power is not enough to bring change”.  And then, before the ink had even dried on Mukwata’s statement, his boss Beti Olive Kamya weighed in and completely contradicted her own Chief Mobiliser Mukwata [see: What if Tamale Mirundi replaces EC’s Kiggundu, Daily Monitor, June 25th]. (more…)


I will throw a hot stone behind CJ Odoki’s back
By John Baptist Oloka 25th March 2013:

The media broke news of More... (0)


The late Mzee Kaguta was a naughty boy
By Lawrence Kasozi

25th February 2013: This is totally out of More... (0)


Museveni is pathological hypocrite
By Norman Miwambo

25th February 2013: I don’t believe Museveni was More... (0)


Obote is crying for his beloved country
By M. Suleman

18th February 2013: Uganda’s late president Dr Apollo More... (0)


Wake up fools: Army took over long ago
By Bernard Ddumba

4th Feb 2013: Over the last two weeks, I seriously More... (0)


NRM revolution is eating its own children
By Charles Businge

4th February 2013: In 1986, the new leadership promised More... (0)


It’s lawful to resist coup plotters – let’s do it
By Elijah M. Tumwebaze

28th January 2013: In a powerful opinion article that More... (0)


Our parliament only exists on paper
By M. Suleman

28th January 2013: Uganda is a country endowed with More... (0)


Museveni is right to call NRM MPs idiots
By M. Suleman

21st Jan 2013: In the drama that followed More... (0)


Isn’t Museveni a deranged psychopath?
By M. Suleman

17th Dec 2012: An emotional, grief-stricken, and More... (0)


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